Course Syllabus

COURSE: Keyboarding with Computer Applications

TEACHER: Mrs. Sara Estep

Room 2402, Extension 2530

Office Hours: 7:20 to 3:00







COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will begin with a refresher on keyboarding skills using Edutyping and will focus on application suites under the Microsoft environment and the data file integration that is made possible between Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, Outlook, and Access. Compound documents will be created that can include files from all the various applications software.


  • To improve typing speed.
  • Gain knowledge and experience with Microsoft programs – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher
  • Type up different styles of reports to improve MLA formatting knowledge
  • Come up with creative ideas to produce documents assisting the school to get information out.


The grading system for this course will consist of: 

            Class Work = 55%

            Final Exam = 20%

            Quizzes/Tests = 25%



  1. Any student who is more than ten (10) minutes late to class is recorded absent.
  2. Students who, for any reason other than school-sponsored activities, are absent more than 10 days in a class during a semester may not receive credit for the class.
  3. All exceptions to this rule must be requested in writing to the Attendance Office by the parents/guardians with documentation for medical reasons of consecutive absences, or family emergencies, no later than two (2) weeks after the close of the semester. Exceptions will be determined by the administrator. If the administrator denies the waiver, the parents/guardians may request a review by the attendance committee composed of the assistant principal, a school nurse, a teacher, and a counselor.
  4. Absences that are due to vacation, truancy, or suspension may not be waived.
  5. After a student’s fifth absence, the parents/guardians may be asked to sign an agreement stating their intention for the student to attend school and their acknowledgment of the attendance policy. Remediation may be encouraged to prevent further absenteeism.
  6. A letter will be sent to the student’s parents/guardians stating that credit may not be granted for the class(es) for which the student was absent ten (10) or more days. To remain in that class, the student must sign an agreement regarding appropriate classroom behavior and attendance.
  7. Students who are absent for ten (10) consecutive days will be withdrawn from the District if student’s parent/guardian has not communicated with the student’s school concerning these absences.  Student must be re-enrolled prior to returning to school.




For all unexcused tardies, the student will receive discipline. Student tardies will be recorded for each class and will be cumulative for each semester.


  1. First unexcused tardy—Detention will be assigned by teacher.
  2. Second unexcused tardy—Detention will be assigned by teacher.
  3. Third unexcused tardy—Detention will be assigned by teacher.
  4. Fourth unexcused tardy—Detention will be assigned by teacher and parent/guardian contacted.
  5. Fifth and all additional unexcused tardies transfer to unexcused absences, resulting in Supervised School Service* and parent/guardian contact by the administrator.




For every day that you are absent, you have a day to make it up. So, if you are gone three days, you have three days to make it up.




Since 1999



Procedures are things that I expect you to be able to do when you are in my class.


How to enter and begin the class period: Being on time for class means being in your seat when the bell rings, not entering the classroom when the bell rings. 


When you leave: Stay in your seat until you are dismissed.


Expectations for teacher-led time, individual work, and collaborative work: You are expected to work diligently to get all work done during class time. When teacher is giving instruction, please raise your hand to ask questions. Collaborative work will be a cooperative effort worth a grade.


How to come to attention: When I am speaking and my hand is raised, you will come to attention.  


What do when you are absent: When you are absent you can email me your request to know what you missed, I will answer you with the assignment or an alternate response if it isn’t available while you are out. When you get back, come see me and I will be happy to discuss your missing assignments and what can be done to get it turned in.


My Technology Policy: Games are not to be played on the computers or other electronic devices. No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in the computer lab. Chairs are not to be rolled around the classroom. Do not unplug or attempt to unplug anything on the computer. Personal E-mail is not to be accessed on school computers. My desk and computer are off limits to students.  Sitting at my desk or working on my computer will result in an office referral.


Leaving the room (no more than 5 in a semester): You will not be excused from class to go to the bathroom, get a drink, or go to the office, etc. unless, it is an emergency. Please take care of that in between classes.


What to do when you are unprepared – Please come and talk to me and we will work to get you prepared. It is more important to participate than not.


When announcements are being made over the PA: It must be quiet even if the announcements do not apply directly to you. So, please sit quietly and listen.


Keep your hands to yourself.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due